Review: Father by Clarissa Wild

May 7, 2017

Father by Clarissa Wild

Publication Date: April 22th, 2015
Genres: Dark, Contemporary Romance, Suspense, Erotica
Length: 326 pages
From New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author Clarissa Wild comes a new off-the-charts novel that will make you feel filthier than ever...

Confess your sin.

People call me Father, but I prefer Frank because I’m the worst preacher you’ll ever meet.
Days spent completely wasted pull a number on you, especially when you’ve got a truckload of baggage that comes with it.
Until this beautiful girl in the back of the church takes my breath away.
…And we end up committing sacrilege in the confessional.
Did I mention I’m filthy?
Bad doesn’t even begin to describe me, and after one taste of what she’s got to offer, I want more.
Too bad having a dirty mind isn’t the only thing we’ve got in common…
Our past is laced with sin.

Author’s Note: This book is not for everyone. It’s raw. It’s vulgar. It’s downright offensive. But it’s oh so delicious with a capital D. If you are easily offended, please don’t read this book. But if you like a bit of humor mixed in with raunchiness and brawling, you’ll love this book.
Contains disturbing situations, strong language, and graphic violence.


HOLY SHIT! Clarissa Wild definitely blow my mind. Since she announced the story, I'm completely intrigued and am so excited to read the book. I really loved taboo elements and since the story about a religious figure, well... *cough* here's my dirty review...

“Jesus Christ, I beg your forgiveness … because, by God, this woman will make me commit more sins than I ever have.”

Father Frank is very unusual priest. He insisted to be called preacher. Yes, I believe there's different between the title. CMIIW, priest is more formal with education and oath. But Frank is more like 'unofficial'. He couldn't help to drunk himself with alcohol. Even he's a mess, Frank still help people around him. When Frank is about to give his Sunday sermon, he saw a beautiful woman in his church.

Laura seems like a good girl. Her life isn't perfect but she's very responsible and taking care of her brothers. There isn't much info about her but I already felt something fishy. Laura's confession really surprised me, also Frank. Anyway, I liked their slow-burn chemistry. She kept fishing him until that happened.

Is it wrong that we’re doing this?” she asks. “Because I’m so damn wet right now.”
“Do you even care people are just a few feet away from us?” I ask.
She shakes her head, grinning even more. “That only adds to the excitement.”
God, this fucking woman … she sure knows how to make a guy’s heart throb. And his dick too.
At this point, I really don’t care anymore.
Screw the consequences.
Fuck morals.

Their first shenanigans happened unexpectedly. Laura is very bold woman to confront Frank's lust towards her. She knows what he needs and they didn't ashamed of it. Half of the story was really torture for me. There is no romance between them; only lust. Oh my gosh... What happened in the church? Lord, forgive me... FUCKIN' HOT!!

“So you want me to fuck you?”
“Is that wrong? Is it wrong that I’ve been fantasizing about being fucked by a preacher?”
“Fuck no,... I’m about to make both our fantasies come true.”

As much I enjoyed their sexy times, I couldn't help to hate Frank at first. He was an immature ass. Whining all the times. He's really annoyed me at some point. However, he start to open himself to Laura, about the tragedy happened to him. It was a nightmare and still Frank couldn't forgive himself.

The story told from male's POV, Frank; which is rare and I kinda liked it. However, the plot quickly turns into some mafia/gangster. Really over-the-top with the suspense but still okay, though. I wouldn't remember the story and couldn't care less. Their filthy sex is absolutely a win for me. The second time (CMIIW) they did, it was a angry make-up sex. Very much taboo.

Overall, the real story was decent and didn't WOW me, but I really appreciate the spices on the sex. But if you're a bit freaky about religiousness, then this book is NOT FOR YOU! A BIG NO unless you wanna get triggered. Anyway, it isn't dark like the ambiance for the cover but definitely hardcore ended up with rainbow.

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